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Crash (1996)

Crash (1996)
Release: October 4, 1996
Genre: Adult, Drama, Thriller
  • James Spader
  • Deborah Kara Unger
  • Elias Koteas
  • Holly Hunter
  • Rosanna Arquette

Film producer James Ballard and his wife, Catherine, are in an open marriage. The couple engage in various infidelities, but between them have only unenthusiastic sex. Their arousal is heightened by discussing the intimate details of their extramarital sex.

While driving home from work late one night, Ballard's car collides head-on with another, killing its male passenger. While trapped in the fused wreckage, the driver, Dr. Helen Remington, wife of the killed passenger, exposes a breast to Ballard when she pulls off the shoulder harness of her seat belt. While recovering, Ballard meets Remington again, as well as a man named Vaughan, who takes a keen interest in the brace holding Ballard's shattered leg together and photographs it. While leaving the hospital, Remington and Ballard begin an affair, one primarily fueled by their shared experience of the car crash (not only do all of their sexual assignations take place in cars, all of Remington's off-screen sexual encounters take place in cars as well). In an attempt to make some sense of why they are so aroused by their car wreck, they go to see one of Vaughan's cult meetings/performance pieces, an actual recreation of the car crash that killed James Dean with authentic cars and stunt drivers. When Transport Ministry officials break up the event Ballard flees with Remington and Vaughan.

Ballard becomes one of Vaughan's followers who fetishise car accidents, obsessively watching car safety test videos and photographing traffic accident sites. Ballard drives Vaughan's Lincoln convertible around the city while Vaughan picks up and uses street prostitutes, and later Ballard's wife. In turn, Ballard has a dalliance with one of the other group members, Gabrielle (Rosanna Arquette), a beautiful woman whose legs are clad in restrictive steel braces, and who has a vulva-like scar on the back of one of her thighs, which is used as a substitute for a vagina by Ballard. The film's sexual couplings in (or involving) cars are not restricted to heterosexual experiences. While watching videos of car crashes, Remington becomes extremely aroused and gropes the crotches of both Ballard and Gabrielle, suggesting an imminent ménage à trois. In fact, Vaughan and Ballard eventually turn towards each other and have homosexual acts while later, Gabrielle and Remington have a lesbian arousal leading to lesbian sexual acts.

Though Vaughan claims at first that he is interested in the "reshaping of the human body by modern technology," in fact his project is to live out the philosophy that the car crash is a "fertilizing rather than a destructive event, mediating the sexuality of those who have died with an intensity that's impossible in any other form."

The film's climax begins with Vaughan's death and ends with Ballard being involved in another semi-deliberate car accident, this one involving his wife. Their fetish for car crashes has, ironically enough, had an unusual bonding effect on the Ballards' marriage. As he caresses her bruised body in the grass median near the accident, Ballard and his wife display affection for ending with Ballard reacting, "Maybe next time" possibly implying that the logical end result of their extreme fetish is death.

Crash (1996) Full Movie


Kawin Kontrak (2008)

Kawin Kontrak (2008)
Release: 26 September 2008
Genre: Adult, Drama, Comedy
  • Ricky Harun
  • Lukman Sardi
  • Herichan
  • Dimas Aditya
  • Masayu Anastasia
  • Mieke Amalia
  • Dinda Kanyadewi
  • Abdul Arafah

Tiga cowok ABG, Rama (Dimas Aditya), Dika (Herichan), serta Jody (Ricky Harun), memiliki obsesi sama untuk melakukan seks tanpa risiko apapun (risiko hamil, harus kawin, risiko ketahuan dan dihakimi warga, dan risiko harus mengasuh anak). Mereka sepakat mencari cara termudah, yaitu dengan Kawin Kontrak. Setelah itu, mereka mencari gadis kampung untuk diajak kawin kontrak. Untuk mempersiapkan hubungan seks, mereka sudah mempersiapkan alat-alat seperti cialis, viagra, hingga karet gelang.

Untuk mencari gadis, mereka pergi ke desa Sukasararean. Di sana mereka bertemu Kang Sono (Lukman Sardi), seorang 'germo' kawin kontrak. Dengan bantuan Kang Sono, mereka akhirnya melakukan kawin kontrak dengan penghulu Pak Aan (Unang) dan Bu Aan (Mieke Amalia) yang juga menjalankan bisnis penginapan dan penyediaan surat nikah.

Jody terobsesi dengan wanita lebih tua yang lebih mahir bercinta, melakukan kawin kontrak dengan Teh Euis (Wiwid Gunawan), janda seksi dan sensual beranak satu. Dika yang memiliki kecenderungan sadomasochist melakukan kawin kontrak dengan Rani (Masayu Anastasia) yang lihai menggebuk kasur. Sedangkan Rama, seorang playboy pilih-pilih, melakukan kawin kontrak dengan Isa (Dinda Kanyadewi) karena terbuai dengan kecantikan dan kelembutannya yang natural.

Namun, obsesi mereka belum terpuaskan karena kesibukan pasangan masing-masing. Teh Euis selalu disibukkan dengan berbagai alasan ajaib yang muncul di saat-saat penting, dan galaknya Rani ternyata menyimpan rapat-rapat sebuah rahasia, serta kelembutan Isa sedang terancam sebuah rencana jahat. Kawin kontrak yang mereka lakukan justru membuat mereka memulai petualangan lucu dari tiga cowok ABG dalam menaklukkan gadis idaman mereka. Karena itu pula, mereka akhirnya dapat menemukan perasaan yang mereka cari, yaitu Cinta.

Kawin Kontrak (2008) Full Movie


Gending Sriwijaya (2013)

Gending Sriwijaya (2013)
Release: 26 September 2008
Genre: Action, Adventure, Story
  • Agus Kuncoro
  • Sahrul Gunawan
  • Julia Perez
  • Mathias Muchus
  • Slamet Rahardjo
  • Jajang C. Noer
  • Hafshary

Nusantara pada abad 16, tiga abad setelah keruntuhan Sriwijaya ,muncul kerajaan-kerajaan kecil yang saling berebut kekuasaan. Kedatuan Bukit Jerai, adalah kerajaan kecil yang dipimpin oleh Dapunta Hyang Mahawangsa dengan permaisurinya Ratu Kalimanyang. Mereka memiliki dua putera, Awang Kencana dan Purnama Kelana. Dapunta Hyang sudah memasuki usia tua dan saatnya untuk menyerahkan kepemimpinannya kepada putera mahkotanya, Awang Kencana. Namun diluar adat kebiasaan, Dapunta justru memilih Purnama Kelana sebagai penggantinya.

Awang Kencana secara diam-diam mengetahui rencana itu dan sangat kecewa dengan keputusan ayahnya. Awang kemudian menjebak Purnama, menfitnah Purnama telah membunuh Dapunta Mahawangsa. Purnama kemudian di tangkap oleh Awang dan dijebloskan kepenjara. Dengan dibantu oleh para tabib dan sahabat-sahabatnya, Purnama berhasil dibebaskan dan dihindarkan dari hukuman mati. Kelompok pasukan yang dipimpin oleh Awang kemudian mengetahui rencana itu, mereka mengejar Purnama sampai pelosok hutan, Purnama terdesak di lereng tebing, Purnama jatuh di jurang yang tinggi, tercebur di sungai dan terbawa arus yang deras. Pasukan Awang tak mampu mengejar dan mengira Purnama telah tewas.

Setelah meninggalnya Dapunta Hyang Mahawangsa, seratus hari kemudian, Awang dinobatkan sebagai raja di Kedatuan Bukit Jerai. Awang memerintahkan untuk membasmi kelompok perampok Ki Goblek. Mata-mata Awang Kencana berhasil mengetahui markas kelompok Ki Goblek. Dengan kekuatan penuh, pasukan Awang Kencana mengepung Ki Goblek yang bermarkas di sebuah gua di tengah hutan. Kelompok perampok berhasil ditumpas, Ki Goblek tewas. Hanya tertinggal Purnama dan Malini dan 8 orang perempuan penenun songket, yang adalah janda para perampok yang tewas. Malini yang kehilangan kedua orang tua dan juga adiknya tak luput menjadi korban. Malini menyimpan dendam. Purnama yang mengetahui ini semua adalah perbuatan adiknya, makin meradang. Ia harus menghentikan kelakuan adiknya, menuntut balas kematian ayahnya, sekaligus membuktikan bahwa dirinya tidak bersalah.

Gending Sriwijaya (2013) Full Movie


Sst...Jadikan Aku Simpanan (2010)

Sst...Jadikan Aku Simpanan (2010)
Release: 14 Januari 2010
Genre: Adult, Drama
  • Acha Septriasa
  • Julia Perez
  • Ayu Azhari
  • Zidni Adam
  • Melody Septania
  • Diaz Theo

Pamela (Acha Septriasa) yang jago shopping akhirnya gagal masuk universitas negeri. Padahal orangtua Pamela yang punya gelar Doktor dan Professor, dan mereka tidak akan mau membiayai Pamela kuliah di universitas swasta. Hasil diskusi dengan sahabatnya, Gino (Adam), Pam pun mencoba mencari jalan pintas menjadi sukses dan kaya tanpa perlu kuliah.

Saat Pam melihat seorang wanita simpanan yang begitu enak hidupnya, Pamela pun berkata ke Gino, bahwa ia sudah tahu cita-citanya yang akan mendukung hobinya berbelanja. Ia mau menjadi wanita simpanan om-om kaya. Gino pun sangat tidak setuju. Tapi tidak ada yang menghentikan tekad Pam.

Walaupun sangat menentang, tapi karena takut Pamela mendapat rintangan berat, Gino akhirnya menemani usaha perburuan Pam, sebagai bodyguard. Usaha Pamela sama sekali tak mulus. Meski begitu, cita-cita Pamela tak pernah padam, sampai ia bertemu dengan Tisya La Fontaine (Julia Perez), wanita simpanan yang paling sohor di Indonesia ini. Pamela dengan gembira langsung mendapuk Tisya menjadi gurunya.

Selain Tisya, muncul juga Nining (Ayu Azhari) yang juga bekas wanita simpanan seorang pejabat. Dengan usaha keras, Pamela dinyatakan lulus pelatihan dan siap memasuki karier idamannya menjadi seorang wanita simpanan.

Tapi begitu Pamela dihadapkan dengan kehidupan yang selama ini ia impikan, ia justru di persimpangan jalan. Akankah sisi kemanusiaan Pamela mampu mengalahkan cita-citanya menjadi wanita simpanan?

Sst...Jadikan Aku Simpanan (2010) Full Movie


Brandal Brandal Ciliwung (2012)

Brandal Brandal Ciliwung (2012)
Release: 16 Agustus 2012
Genre: Drama
  • Endy Arfian
  • Gritte Agatha
  • Julian Liberty
  • Sehan Zack
  • Aldy Rialdy
  • M. Syafikar
  • Hengky Soelaiman
  • Idrus Madani
  • Ira Wibowo
  • Lukman Sardi
  • Olga Lydia

Mereka adalah lima sahabat, yang tinggal di pinggir kali Ciliwung. Walau mereka semua berbeda, tapi mereka selalu bersama dan menamakan diri sebagai Pasukan Ciliwung. Di mata Wak Haji, mereka dianggap anak-anak brandal yang selalu membuat onar. Di mata Adam dan kawan-kawan, mereka dianggap musuh yang harus dikalahkan dalam setiap pertandingan, mulai dari kasti, balap renang hingga lomba getek. Persoalan mulai muncul ketika datang seorang gadis tomboy bernama Sissy, cucu Babah Alun - pemilik pabrik tahu di kampung mereka. Persahabatan mereka mulai retak jadinya, padahal lomba getek Ciliwung sudah dekat.

Brandal Brandal Ciliwung (2012) Full Movie


Get Married 3 (2011)

Get Married 3 (2011)
Release: 25 Agustus 2011
Genre: Drama, Commedy
  • Nirina Zubir
  • Fedi Nuril
  • Amink
  • Ringgo Agus
  • Desta Mahendra
  • Meriam Bellina
  • Jaja Mihardja
  • Ira Wibowo
  • Ratna Riantiarno

Semenjak Mae dan Rendy memiliki anak-anak, mereka memutuskan untuk menjadi keluarga kecil yang mandiri dan bebas dari orangtua serta sahabat-sahabat mereka yang melulu menimbulkan keonaran. Ternyata, tidak lama setelah melahirkan, Mae mengalami baby blues yang membuat Mae menjadi moody dan emosional. Rendy sadar bahwa dalam kondisi seperti sekarang ini, Mae justru membutuhkan support yang besar dari orang-orang terdekatnya, tetapi Mae terlalu gengsi untuk meminta tolong. Akhirnya, Rendy membujuk Guntoro, Beni, dan Eman untuk diam-diam membantu Mae.

Mae yang sudah mengenal baik tabiat para sahabatnya tentu saja langsung bisa membongkar rencana Guntoro, Beni, dan Eman. Mae tapi tidak tahu kalau mereka diminta bantuan oleh Rendy, dan oleh karena itu berusaha menyembunyikan fakta kalau para sahabatnya sudah ikut terlibat dalam merawat anak-anak mereka dari Rendy. Sialnya, Babe dan Bu Mardi memergoki kalau para sahabat boleh bermain bersama anak-anak. Mereka pun menuntut bagian. Begitu pula dengan Mama Rendy dan Sophie. Alhasil, keluarga besar Mae dan Rendy pun kembali ikut campur dalam merawat anak-anak Mae dan Rendy.

Rendy semula senang melihat Mae sembuh dari baby blues. Namun, ia lama-lama menyadari dari semua orang, justru dirinyalah yang paling tidak cocok merawat bayi. Anak-anak lebih memilih bersama Guntoro, Beni, Eman, dan bahkan Babe daripada dirinya. Rendy pun merasa perannya sebagai ayah dan suami tersisihkan. Karena itu, ia mendatangkan Nyai, nenek Mae dari Arab untuk tinggal bersama mereka. Dengan harapan, Nyai yang selalu bentrok dengan Babe bisa membuat orang-orang tidak terlalu sering datang ke rumah.

Kedatangan Nyai bukannya membuat Rendy beruntung, tapi malah semakin sial. Babe yang tidak tahan dirongrong Nyai, minggat dari rumah. Bu Mardi panik karena takut menjanda. Rendy sendiri musti menerima nasib Babe menetap di kantornya, lengkap dengan peralatan sarung dan ember mandinya. Mae meminta Rendy untuk merukunkan Nyai dengan Babe sehingga Babe bisa pulang ke rumah. Betapa kagetnya Mae, saat tahu kalau Rendy yang berada di belakang kepulangan Nyai. Mae pun marah ke Rendy, karfena ternyata masih menganggap keluarganya sebagai pihak luar. Rendy pun terpaksa keluar dari rumah, menginap di kantor berdua dengan Babe.

Belakangan, Mae mengerti kalau semua tindakan yang Rendy lakukan itu adalah karena Rendy ingin bisa menjadi ayah yang baik buat anak-anaknya. Mae pun meminta bantuan ke para sahabatnya, untuk mengembalikan rasa percaya diri Rendy bahwa ia sudah pantas menjadi ayah.

Get Married 3 (2011) Full Movie


Mereka Bilang, Saya Monyet! (2007)

Mereka Bilang, Saya Monyet! (2007)
Release: 28 Desember 2007
Genre: Drama
  • Titi Sjuman
  • Henidar Amroe
  • Ray Sahetapy
  • Jajang C. Noer.

Film ini berkisah tentang Adjeng (Titi Sjuman), seorang penulis cerita anak-anak muda yang terjebak dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Didepan ibunya (Henidar Amroe), Adjeng bersifat sangat pasif dan terkesan seperti anak kucing, selalu menuruti perintahnya. Namun jika sudah bersama teman-temannya, Adjeng akan berubah menjadi wanita yang agresif dan suka bertindak tanpa berpikir panjang. Adjeng juga punya pacar yang jauh lebih tua darinya (Ray Sahetapy).

Setelah Adjeng berhenti dari pekerjaannya sebagai penulis, ia hanya bersenang-senang dengan teman-temannya setiap malam didiskotik. Namun, setiap saat bayangan masa lalunya terus saja menghantui, yaitu pelecehan seksual dari ayahnya ketika ia masih remaja. Adjeng pun punya masa lalu yang buruk dengan ibunya yang bersikat overprotektif, dan akan sangat marah jika Adjeng tidak mau makan makanan yang dibeli ibunya, bahkan menyuruh Adjeng memakan makanan yang sudah dimuntahkan.

Lain dari Adjeng, dua orang temannya yang selalu menemaninya didiskotik juga punya masalah yang tidak jauh berbeda. Satu diantaranya sudah punya suami, namun hubungan mereka merenggang karena sang istri tidak juga bisa memberikan keturunan. Adjeng, ibunya, dan kedua temannya memiliki masalah yang berbeda, tapi benang merahnya sama, yaitu ketidakmampuan seorang perempuan dalam menghadapi masalah-masalahnya.

Mereka Bilang, Saya Monyet! (2007) Full Movie


The Mummy 3: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor (2008)

The Mummy 3: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor (2008)
Release: 1 August 2008
Genre: Action, Adventure
  • Brendan Fraser
  • Jet Li
  • Maria Bello
  • John Hannah
  • Luke Ford
  • Michelle Yeoh
  • Isabella Leong


In ancient China, Qin Shi Huang, a brutal and tyrannical warlord, unites the country's kingdoms into an empire and becomes The Dragon Emperor. He orders the construction of the Great Wall of China to bury and curse his dead enemies. The Emperor's mystics teach him supernatural mastery over the Five Elements. Years later, he begins to grow fearful that all he has accomplished will be lost upon his death. He hears of a sorceress, Zi Yuan, who is said to know the secret of immortality and sends his henchman, General Ming Guo, to bring her to the palace. When Ming finds her, they fall in love. After she seemingly casts a spell on the Emperor in Sanskrit, a language he does not understand, after discovering there love affair, and having feelings for her asweel, has Ming executed and after she refuses his proposal, he stabs her. Revealing that she has foreseen these events, Zi Yuan immolates and detains the Emperor transforming his army into the Terracotta Army, and the sorceress flees.

In 1946, archaeologist Alex O'Connell, Rick and Evelyn O'Connell's son, locates the Emperor's tomb with the financial backing of archaeology professor Roger Wilson. Three assistants are killed by booby traps and Alex is attacked by a mysterious woman, but succeeds in bringing the Emperor's coffin to Shanghai. Meanwhile, the British government entrusts the O'Connells to take the Eye of Shangri-La back to China. Wilson is actually a member of a rogue military faction led by General Yang and his deputy, Choi, who see the Emperor as the one who can restore order and greatness to China. The mysterious woman from the tomb, Lin, stabs the mummified body within the coffin and discovers it is a decoy. By accident, the magical fluid within the Eye lands on the statue of the carriage driver, revealing itself to be the Emperor's actual body. The Emperor is revived, trapped in his terracotta undead form. He accepts Yang and Choi's service but kills Wilson. Lin attempts to kill the Emperor with a magical dagger, the only weapon that can destroy him.

Along with Evelyn's brother Jonathan Carnahan, who owns a Shanghai nightclub named Imhotep's, the O'Connells and Lin travel to a stupa in the Himalayas that will reveal the path to Shangri-La when the Eye is placed on top of it. With the help of Yetis summoned by Lin, the group hold off Yang's soldiers but the Emperor discovers Shangri-La's location. While attempting to trigger an avalanche with a thrown grenade attached to some dynamite, Alex fails to notice the Emperor throwing a dagger at his back. Rick shoves his son to safety and ends up with a mortal stab wound to the chest. Lin takes everyone to Shangri-La where the sorceress heals Rick's wound. The group discovers that Lin is Zi Yuan's 2000-year-old daughter, both rendered immortal due to the power of Shangri-La's waters. The magical dagger which Lin carries is the same dagger that the Emperor used in his attempt to kill Zi Yuan years earlier. Zi Yuan also reveals that she would have died if the Yetis had not saved her, and warns Alex that if the Emperor is allowed to drink from the Pool of Eternal Life, he will not only be able to raise his army, but be granted the power to transform into ancient and fearsome Chinese animal spirits. Alex and Lin have grown attached to each other, but Lin pushes the relationship away due to her immortality; after watching Zi Yuan mourn General Ming for centuries, she does not know if she can bear falling in love with Alex only to watch him grow old and die.

The Emperor eventually arrives and attacks them in Shangri-La, taking the dagger and shattering his terracotta form before bathing in the mystical waters. It restores his human form and youth, replenishes his powers, and gives him the ability to shapeshift. He transforms into a gigantic three-headed dragon, kidnaps Lin, and flies to his tomb where he raises the Terracotta Army, now aided by General Yang's soldiers. The Emperor announces his plans to conquer the entire world and that once he leads his army across the Great Wall, they will be invincible. The O'Connells and Zi Yuan pursue the Emperor to the Great Wall where she sacrifices her and Lin's immortality to revive the workers killed and buried beneath The Great Wall, creating her own undead army, led by a vengeful, revived General Ming. The Army of the Dead, with aid from the group's modern weapons and air support, fights the Terracotta Army while Zi Yuan battles the Emperor; she is mortally wounded but succeeds in securing the dagger. Disguised as one of Yang's soldiers, Alex rescues Lin, who Yang had bound and gagged in a tent under armed guard.

The group gather up again, finding a grieving Lin cradling the dying Zi Yuan in her arms. As this is going on, the Emperor transforms into a horned Ogre to get past Zi Yuan's army and goes beneath the Great Wall in order to use his elemental powers to negate Zi Yuan's spell and draw Ming's army back underneath it. Alex interrupts the Emperor, who transforms into an ogre and knocks Alex into a wall. Rick tries to stab the Emperor, getting thrown into a lit torch stand for his efforts. Meanwhile, Evelyn and Lin fight with Yang and Choi, eventually knocking the general onto some moving gears that crush both him and Choi. While Emperor is gaining the upper hand over Rick with his taijutsu skills, Alex grabs the dagger's blade and slips into the nearby water. Rick takes the dagger's hilt and plunges it into the Emperor's chest while Alex stabs him with the blade's tip from behind, simultaneously piercing the Emperor's heart from both sides and releasing the dagger's curse. The Emperor is consumed from the inside and out by molten lava, resulting in the deaths of him and his army. Ming's army briefly celebrates before finally moving on to a peaceful afterlife.

The O'Connells return to Shanghai, where Alex and Lin have fallen in love. Jonathan decides to move to Peru with the Eye of Shangri-La, which he has somehow managed to keep, as he wants to go somewhere with no mummies. In postscript, it is revealed that shortly after his arrival, mummies were discovered in Peru.

The Mummy 3: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor (2008) Full Movie


The Master (1989)

The Master (1989)
Release: 26 May 1989
Genre: Action, Drama
  • Jet Li - Jet
  • Yuen Wah - Chan Hou Tak / Uncle Tak (Miramax Dub: Dennis Chan)
  • Crystal Kwok - May
  • Jerry Trimble - Johnny (Miramax Dub: James Horan)
  • Rueben Gonzáles - Cito
  • Guy Fadollone - Ruben
  • Derek Annunciation - Mouse
  • Michael Burke - Oscar
  • Camille Carrigan - Jeannie
  • Wayne Post - Jimmy
  • George Cheung - Paul
  • Pamela J. Anderson - coach
  • Steven Ho - Johnny's student
  • To Wai Wo - martial arts teacher
  • Cheung Ching - Clerk of International Publication
  • Billy Blanks - Black Thug (uncredited)
  • Glen Chin - taxi driver (Miramax Dub: Kevin Michael Richardson)
  • Anne Rickets - Anna
  • Corey Yuen
The story begins in Los Angeles, with a fight between Uncle Tak (Yuen Wah) and Johnny (Jerry Trimble), destroying Tak's store in the process. Tak loses and tries to escape, but Anna (Anne Rickets) miraculously comes to save him.

Jet (Jet Li) arrives by bus. He takes a taxi driven by a friendly Jamaican man. Three thieves take his rucksack, and he chases them through the streets on foot while they drive. He catches them and they see his fighting skills, and they subsequently beg him to be his master. They take Jet to their home but they meet with a dangerous gang. Jet steps in and defends the buddies, but their home is set on fire.

Meanwhile, Johnny and his gang are closing down kung fu schools and making a name for themselves. Jet meets May (Crystal Kwok), and also meets Johnny in a carpark, quickly learning what Johnny's goal is. Unfortunately, Anna and Jet's friends get beaten up, so Jet trains his friends to defend themselves.

Jet and his friends go to Tak's store and prepares to deal with Johnny's gang. The three friends put their newly found skills into practice whilst Jet fights the gang. Jet and Johnny fight outside the store until the police step in.

Jet and Tak have a final strain on their relationship. Downbeat, Jet decides to take a bus to the airport, intending on returning to Hong Kong. On his way, he is attacked by a dreadlocked man armed with a shotgun out. The man fires, killing the bus driver, as May follows the bus with her car. In the meantime, Tak and the three friends make their way to a rooftop for a final duel with Johnny's gang.

After the bus incident, Jet and May go to Tak's store to find a note and a will. They quickly make their way to the rooftop, and Jet makes a surprise attack on Johnny's gang. He again fights with Johnny, while Tak and his friends save Anna from danger.

During the fight, Jet and Johnny drop down, smashing a gas pipe. Just as Jet thinks the fight is over, Johnny kicks a switch that, causing them to move to the building edge. Jet grabs a rope and just as he is about to fall to his death, Tak, Anna, May and his three friends save him as the rope breaks.

The Master (1989) Full Movie

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