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Rumah Hantu Pasar Malam (2012)

Rumah Hantu Pasar Malam (2012)
Release: 16 Februari 2012
Genre: Adult, Horror
  • Rebecca
  • Uli Auliani
  • Willy Dozan
  • Rocky Jeff

Sejak kehadiran pasar malam milik Wangsa, beberapa pengunjung tewas secara misterius. Jasad mereka tak pernah ditemukan. Namun pesona dan daya hibur pasar malam, melupakan pengunjung akan peristiwa berdarah itu.

Lima sahabat: Andini, Ramon, Venska, Sandra dan Papang, melakukan perjalanan ke desa Sumber Sari. Kebahagiaan mereka makin lengkap, di seberang vila ada hiburan pasar malam. Mereka sepakat merayakan ulang tahun Andini di pasar malam itu.

Bisikan halus dari pasar malam, seperti memanggil kehadiran Andini. Ia seperti miliki ikatan misterius dengan pasar malam milik Wangsa. Peristiwa ini menjadi jawaban kehadiran hantu kecil yang kerap mengganggunya.

Intan, kekasih Wangsa, membuat emosi Andini tak terbendung. Penari ronggeng di pasar malam ini, kerap mengganggu Ramon, kekasih Andini. Intan bahkan mengancam menghabisi Andini dan teman-temannya. Teror kembali terjadi. Pasar malam menjadi neraka paling menyiksa. Korban terus berjatuhan, bahkan nyawa Andini dan teman-temannya pun terus terancam. Satu per satu mereka tewas.

Dugaan sementara, pasar malam milik Wangsa terkutuk. Mereka curiga Wangsa bekerja sama dengan iblis. Bahkan ketika kaki tangan iblis makin menguasai pasar malam, nyawa Andini semakin terancam

Rumah Hantu Pasar Malam (2012) Full Movie


Pencarian Terakhir (2010)

Pencarian Terakhir (2010)
Release: October 2010
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Horror
  • Lukman Sardi
  • Richa Novisha
  • Yama Carlos
  • Alex Abbad

Sita mendapat kabar penting dari pos Jagawana gunung Sarangan, gunung yang terkenal dengan ‘daerah angkernya”, bahwa sudah dua hari ini, Gancar adiknya dan beberapa teman grup pendaki belum lapor ke pos satu, dikuatirkan mereka hilang di tengah jalur pendakian. Kejadian ini membuat Sita shock, saat itu juga Sita bersama Oji bergegas untuk berangkat menyusul mencari Gancar dkk

Tanpa sepengetahuan Sita dan Oji, Bagus mendatangi Tito, sahabat lama yang mengasingkan diri karena trauma dengan masa lalu yang menghancurkan persahabatan mereka. Dahulu Norman dan Tito pernah hilang di gunung Sarangan.

Saat itu hanya Tito yang selamat, Norman dinyatakan hilang secara misterius di salah satu lokasi angker gunung Sarangan. Semenjak peristiwa itu, Tito selalu dihantui rasa bersalah. Ia memutuskan untuk menjauh dari kegiatan pecinta alam. Bagus memaksa Tito untuk ikut naik gunung dan membantu menjadi volunteer SAR untuk mencari Gancar dkk. Tito akhirnya mau membantu, berpikir bahwa ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk menebus kesalahannya dahulu

Setelah berhari-hari menjalani pencarian, ternyata kejadian ini membuahkan titik terang jawaban bagi Tito. Teka teki akan hilangnya Norman yang tidak pernah terselesaikan akhirnya terjawab. Apakah mereka berhasil menemukan Gancar dkk?

Pencarian Terakhir (2010) Full Movie


The Last Legion (2007)

The Last Legion (2007)
Release: 6 April 2007
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
  • Colin Firth
  • Thomas Sangster
  • Ben Kingsley
  • Aishwarya Rai
  • Peter Mullan
  • Kevin McKidd

The film is narrated by Ambrosinus, native to Britain, who knows of a legend concerning the sword of Julius Caesar, which was hidden away from evil men. It begins shortly before the coronation of Romulus Augustulus as Emperor in 460.

Having traveled through much of the known world in search of Caesar's sword, Ambrosinus has then become Romulus' tutor. A Druid and part of a secret brotherhood protecting the sword, he at times gives the impression he is a magician, but his "magic" is usually revealed to be simple trickery. One of the running concepts of the movie surrounds the question of whether or not Ambrosinus has any actual magical abilities or simply an illusionist. Romulus's father Orestes rules Rome but is not Emperor himself.

On the day before the coronation, Odoacer, commander of the barbarian Goths allied with Rome, demands a third of Italy from Orestes, but is rebuffed. The same day, Romulus meets the general of the Nova Invicta Legion, Aurelianus Caius Antonius, called "Aurelius".

The night after Romulus is crowned, Rome is attacked by the Goths. Most of Aurelius's men, pledged to protect the emperor, are killed, though Aurelius is only stunned and left for dead. Orestes and his wife are killed by Odoacer's lieutenant Wulfila, who captures Romulus.

The next day, Odoacer, now ruler of the Western Empire, plans to have Romulus killed. However, Ambrosinus convinces Odoacer to spare the boy. Instead, Romulus is exiled to Capri along with Ambrosinus, guarded by Wulfila and his men. His prison is a villa constructed more than four centuries earlier by the emperor Tiberius.

With Ambrosinus's help, Romulus discovers a hidden chamber within the villa. He comes across a statue of Caesar holding the fabled sword, forged by a Chalybian smith after his military campaigns in Britain. Writing near the statue's feet proclaims the sword was made for "he who is destined to rule". This is interpreted as a prophecy by various characters, and Romulus keeps the weapon.

The two are rescued from Capri by the loyal Aurelius and three surviving legionaries, Vatrenus, Batiatus, and Demetrius, accompanied by a female agent of the Eastern Roman Empire - a Keralite warrior named Mira (trained in the martial art of Kalarippayattu). They take Romulus to a seaport where the Eastern Roman Empire's emissary (whom Mira works for) and the senator Nestor have promised safe passage to Constantinople. However, they barely escape after they learn the Senate and the Eastern Empire have betrayed them and sided with Odoacer.

Ambrosinus persuades Romulus to seek refuge in Britain, where the Ninth Legion (called the Dragon Legion) may remain loyal, being far from the events. They are followed by Wulfila and his men; the Goth covets Caesar's sword after learning the prophecy. Crossing the Alps and the English Channel, the party travels to Hadrian's Wall and initially find no evidence of the legion until a farmer approaches and reveals he was its commander. With the collapse of Roman support of Britain, the legion had decided to disband and settle as farmers. Most of the men in the legion had married and had families. They also did not want to antagonize the powerful warlord Vortgyn. During their stay in the small Celtic village, Romulus meets and befriends a young girl named Igraine. Aurelius and Mira practice swordfighting and become close to each other. Ambrosinus told Romulus of a scar on his chest, similar to the design on the sword hilt, which he received from Vortgyn after he refused to tell him where the sword of Caesar was.

Vortgyn also desires the sword of Caesar as he aspires to rule the whole of Britain. It is revealed that Vortgyn and Ambrosinus are old enemies. After meeting with the Goths, Vortgyn decides to either capture or kill Romulus as a gesture to Odoacer. After confronting Igraine outside of the village, he convinces her to tell everyone in the village to surrender Romulus and has several of his men kill the blacksmith's wife and sons. When a tearful Igraine tells the villagers of what has happened, Aurelius confesses that Romulus is the emperor of Rome. The blacksmith then demands revenge on his wife's and sons' deaths, and Aurelius and his men decide to lead an army to Hadrian's Wall to face Vortgyn's armies in one final battle.

Before leaving the village, Romulus receives from Igraine a suit of Roman armor which belonged to her brother, which he has since outgrown. Aurelius, wielding Caesar's sword, leads his men and a small number of Celtic warriors against Vortgyn's forces at Hadrian's Wall. Aurelius, his men, and the archers pelted the infantry with arrows, while Mira, Romulus, and several Roman and Celtic soldiers struggled to hold the enemy at the gate. Despite their casualties, Vortgyn's soldiers began to slowly overwhelm the small force on the wall. The battle appears hopeless until the rest of the Ninth Legion, having taken up their old Roman arms and uniforms, appear and turn the tide. The two warring sides cease their hostilities when Ambrosinus confronts and burns Vortgyn alive at a tree-sanctuary of his secret brotherhood near the battlefield. Romulus kills Wulfila with Caesar's sword, avenging his parents. He tells Aurelius that he fought like a dragon, whereupon Aurelius replies that Romulus fought like the son of a dragon.

Repulsed by the deaths in the battle, Romulus heaves away his sword which remarkably pierces a large rock and becomes lodged there. Many years later, Ambrosinus, now known by his Druid name, Merlin, takes a young boy to the battlefield to describe the now legendary events. Merlin, who has visibly aged little since the battle, says that Aurelius married Mira and the two raised Romulus as their own son. He became a wise ruler, took the girl Igraine as his wife, and adopted the name "Pendragon". The boy, Arthur, recognizes Romulus as his father and Igraine as his mother.

In a final scene, the sword of Julius Caesar is shown embedded in the stone, with moss growing on the blade, covering the original inscription, leaving only the Latin letters which, when read as a single word, read Excalibur.

The Last Legion (2007) Full Movie (Thai Subtitle)


Toilet 105 (2010)

Toilet 105 (2010)
Release: 14 Januari 2010
Genre: Adult, Horror, Comedy
  • Coralie Gerard
  • Ricky Harun
  • Aming
  • Indra Birowo
  • Suti Karno
  • Lionil Tikoalu
  • Rizki Putra
  • Navy Rizky Tavania
  • Shandy Ishabella

Toilet di SMU Bina Persada nampak baik-baik saja: terang, bersih, wangi dan jadi tempat favorit untuk semua penghuninya. Semua, termasuk penghuni ‘halus’ yang menggemari bandit-bandit sekolah, apalagi yang ganteng-ganteng seperti Okta (Ricky Harun), Ical (Lionil Tikoalu) dan Rio (Rizky Putra).

Sampai muncul anak baru bernama Marsya (Coralie), cewek cakep pindahan dari Bandung yang sepertinya membuat setan toilet menjadi 'gerah'. Seisi sekolah makin sering dihebohkan dengan penampakkan potongan-potongan tubuh mengerikan. Mulai dari Satpam (Aming), guru favorit (Indra Birowo) sampai guru killer (Suti Karno), semuanya tunggang-langgang diteror setan toilet.

Marsya sadar ia 'membawa' sesuatu yang membangkitkan kemarahan setan toilet. Sebuah dendam minta dituntaskan. Ia harus membebaskan dirinya dari tuntutan itu sebelum setan toilet menagih nyawa ke seluruh isi sekolah.

Toilet 105 (2010) Full Movie


18++ Forever Love (2012)

18++ Forever Love (2012)
Release: 12 Juli 2012
Genre: Drama, Romance
  • Adipati Dolken
  • Kimberly Ryder
  • Gege Elisa
  • Roy Marten
  • Sri Nurhandayani
  • Reska Tania
  • Jordi Onsu
  • Rozi Mahally

Selama ini yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh Kara (Adipati Dolken) hanya satu. Hari di mana ia menginjak usia 18 tahun. Karena di usia itulah Opanya (Roy Marten) menjanjikan Kara sebuah hadiah yang paling tidak akan terlupakan seumur hidupnya. Sedang bersenang-senang bersama para sahabatnya di Bandung, Kara yang selama ini waktunya dihabiskan dengan bersenang-senang musti mendapatkan kejutan yang sama sekali tidak pernah terpikirkan olehnya.

Ternyata kado dari opanya bukanlah uang, mobil atau kesempatan keliling dunia, namun justru kemandirian. Di usianya yang ke-18, Kara musti kehilangan segalanya. Semua fasilitas, kekayaan dan kemungkinan besar, para sahabatnya yang socialite Kara terpaksa pulang ke Jakarta, rencananya ia mau menuntut kembali ke opa, apa yang sudah menjadi haknya. Namun setelah terlibat perkelahian yang menyebabkan Kara tidak sadarkan diri, Kara diselamatkan oleh seorang gadis, Mila (Kimberly Ryder) yang membawa Kara pulang ke rumahnya. Menyangka Kara hanyalah orang miskin kebanyakan, keluarga Mila, Ibu Mila (Keke Soeryo Renaldi) dan Sasi (Reska Tania), adik Mila semata wayang, menampung Kara di rumah mereka yang sederhana Kara yang biasa hidup enak pun shock dengan kondisi barunya, namun lama-lama Kara merasa tertantang untuk bisa memberi ke keluarga "barunya" itu, dengan mulai belajar bekerja serabutan.

Hubungan Kara dengan Mila dan keluarganya semakin dekat. Namun ternyata para sahabat Kara berhasil menemukan Kara dan ingin membawa Kara ke kehidupannya yang dulu penuh hura-hura Mila memergoki Kara yang sedang mabuk-mabukan bersama para sahabat, langsung mengusir Kara dari rumah dan kehidupannya. Kara pun mulai sadar kalau kehidupannya yang dulu sudah tidak cocok dengan hatinya sekarang, ia ingin kembali kepada Mila, namun Mila selalu menolaknya. Tanpa Kara ketahui, ternyata Mila juga mempunyai sebuah rahasia besar tentang masa lalunya Bukankah cinta selalu abadi walaupun mereka sulit bersama

18++ Forever Love (2012) Full Movie


Kambing Jantan (2009)

Kambing Jantan (2009)
Release: 5 Maret 2009
Genre: Drama, Comedy
  • Raditya Dika
  • Herfiza Novianti
  • Edric Tjandra
  • Sarah Safitri


Selepas SMU, Dika (Raditya Dika), yang mempunyai nama panggilan Kambing, harus melanjutkan pendidikan di Adelaide, Australia, mengambil gelar finance yang tidak sesuai minatnya. Maka dimulailah perjalanan hidup Dika mencari jati diri.

Ketika dia menjalani kuliah di Australia, problema timbul dengan Kebo (Herfiza Novianti), pacarnya, karena harus menjalani Long Distance Relationship (LDR) yang menyebabkan pengeluaran keuangan sangat besar, komunikasi yang terganggu, dan kehidupan kuliah yang semakin lama membuat mereka menjadi berbeda.

Problem lainnya seperti bagaimana Dika mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar, dan kemunculan Sally Dickson, dosen bule yang lebih mirip tentara wanita, menambah dilema si Kambing dalam menyelesaikan masalah LDR dan finance (dalam dua arti sebenarnya: kebutuhan finance-nya dan sekolah finance-nya).

Pertemuannya dengan seorang teman SD, Ine (Sarah Shafitri), yang membaca blog Dika berjudul “Kambingjantan”, membuka pikirannya bahwa dia bisa saja jadi penulis komedi.


Hantu Biang Kerok (2009)

Hantu Biang Kerok (2009)
Release: 19 Februari 2009
Genre: Adult, Horror, Comedy
  • Elvy Sukaesih
  • Diego Dimas
  • Kamidia Radisti
  • Rita Hasan
  • Rizky Mocil
  • Fadly Fuad
  • Mpok Nori
  • Suti Karno
  • Dorce Gamalama

Ferry (Fadly Fuad ) , Rifky, Simon, Aryo( rizky mocil ), dan Steve (Diego Dimas) sudah bersahabat sejak kecil. Saat mereka remaja, Steve harus pindah rumah mengikuti orang tuanya. Selang beberapa tahun, saat Steve akan melangsungkan pernikahannya, Steve kembali datang kelingkungan tempat tinggal lamanya untuk mengundang ke empat sahabat karibnya. Simon yang tidak mau kehilangan momen berharga yaitu kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan Steve, langsung mengatur sebuah pesta bujang dengan membuat kejutan untuk Steve dan sahabatnya.

Di sebuah rumah tua, Simon mengajak keempat sahabatnya dan mengundang seorang penari perut (Rita Hasan) yang seksi bernama Safira. Akan tetapi karena sebelumnya Safira telah menerima 5 order tarian yang membuat Safira terlalu letih dan sangat mengantuk, sehingga hal ini membuat acara Simon dan kawan-kawan menjadi hampir berantakan. Sebagai alternatif pengganti, Simon mengeluarkan permainan "Jangka Setan" yaitu permainan memanggil arwah dengan menggunakan media jangka. Simon membacakan semua mantra, membuat Aryo ketakutan, sedangkan yang lain sangat menyukai permainan itu.

Saat suasana mulai aneh, tiba-tiba seseorang yang cukup disegani yaitu Pak Burhan dan dua orang hansip yaitu Hansip Japra dan Hansip Adung datang membubarkan acara mereka. Ketika Steve sampai dirumah, ia mengalami keanehan dan diganggu oleh Hantu Wanita Tua yang telah terpanggil oleh mereka. Keesokan harinya mereka semua mulai dihantui oleh beberapa mahluk halus. Ferry juga bertemu dengan seorang gadis misterius yang mulai mencuri hatinya. Bagaimana Ferry dan kawan-kawan dapat menghadapi masalah yang kini datang dan semakin lama semakin menimbulkan konflik pada persahabatan mereka? Dan akankah juga Ferry menemukan cinta sejatinya?

Hantu Biang Kerok (2009) Full Movie


Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)
Release: January 25, 2013
Genre: Action, Horror, Fantasy
  • Jeremy Renner
  • Gemma Arterton
  • Famke Janssen
  • Peter Stormare

Abandoned by their father deep in a forest, young Hansel and Gretel enter a gingerbread house and are nabbed by the old witch who resides in it. The witch forces Hansel to continuously eat candy while making Gretel prepare the oven, but the siblings outsmart her and shove her into the oven's fire, incinerating her and most likely, killing her. Throughout the fifteen years after the incident, Hansel and Gretel become famed bounty hunters dedicated to mercilessly eradicating witches, slaying over six hundred of them. Their work is relatively easy because, for an unknown reason, they are immune to spells and curses. Hansel, however, is diabetic as a result of his ordeal and needs to take a regular shot of insulin every few hours.[N 1]

One day, in the town of Augsburg, Hansel and Gretel prevent Sheriff Berringer from executing Mina, a young woman accused of witchcraft. Mayor Englemann has hired the siblings to find and rescue several children abducted by witches. Berringer hires trackers for the same mission, hoping to show up the mayor for hiring Hansel and Gretel and to maintain his power in the town. However, all but one of the party are killed that night by the powerful grand witch Muriel, who sends the surviving member back to the town tavern to explode as a warning to the locals. Hansel and Gretel, with the help of the Mayor's deputy Jackson, capture Horned witch and interrogate her. They discover that the witches are preparing for the ritual of Blood Moon, which requires sacrificing six boys and six girls, each born on a separate month. Suddenly, Muriel, Redhead witch, and a troll named Edward, attack the town and abduct the targeted girl. Muriel makes Jackson shoot himself, while Gretel is knocked unconscious but is brought to safety by a teenager named Ben, their local fanboy and an aspiring witch hunter. Hansel grabs a fleeing witch by her broomstick, but falls and is lost in the forest.

The next morning, Hansel is found by Mina, who takes him to a spring to heal his wounds. Meanwhile, Gretel enters the forest to search for him, but she is ambushed by Berringer and his enforcers. After the men beat her up, she is rescued when Edward, the witches' troll servant, intervenes to kill the Sheriff and his goons and mend her injuries. When Gretel asks why he saved her, Edward answers that trolls serve witches and walks away. Hansel and Gretel reunite at an abandoned cabin, which they discover is not only their childhood home, but also a witch's lair. Muriel appears in front of them, telling them the truth of their past. She reveals that Hansel and Gretel's mother was a grand white witch named Adrianna, married to a farmer. On the night of the Blood Moon, the heart of a grand white witch is needed to create a potion that would make dark witches impervious to fire. As Adrianna was too powerful, Muriel targeted Gretel, who was revealed to be a grand white witch herself. Muriel spred a rumor across the village about Adrianna; to keep the siblings away from the lynch mob, their father left them in the forest before he was hanged, while their mother was burned at the stake. Following this revelation, the siblings battle Muriel before she stabs Hansel and abducts Gretel for the ceremony.

Hansel wakes up to the sight of Mina, who reveals herself to be a white witch. After Mina uses Adrianna's spellbook to bless the siblings' arsenal, Hansel, Mina, and Ben head to disrupt the Blood Moon Sabbath. Whilst Mina mows down many dark witches with a Gatling gun, Hansel squares off against Muriel's minions and frees the children, while Edward defies Muriel's orders and releases Gretel before Muriel throws him off the cliff. Muriel attempts to flee, but Ben shoots her off her broomstick. On her way to meet up with Hansel, Gretel finds Edward and uses her stun gun to defibrillate him back to life. Hansel, Ben, and Mina follow Muriel's trail to the old gingerbread house. During the confrontation, Ben is wounded and Muriel fatally stabs Mina. The siblings then engage in a grueling fight against Muriel inside the gingerbread house, until they behead her with a shovel. In the end, Hansel and Gretel collect the rest of their reward for rescuing the children before embarking on their next hunt, with Ben and Edward joining them.

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013) Full Movie


Curse of the Golden Flower (2006)

Curse of the Golden Flower (2006)
Release: 21 December 2006
Genre: Adult, Drama
  • Chow Yun-fat
  • Gong Li
  • Jay Chou
  • Qin Junjie

On the eve of the Chong Yang Festival, golden chrysanthemum flowers fill the Imperial Palace. The Emperor (Chow Yun-fat) returns from his various military campaigns with his second son and general, Prince Jai (Jay Chou). The emperor has returned to celebrate the holiday with his family. For three years, the Empress (Gong Li) and Crown Prince Wan (Liu Ye), her stepson, have had an illicit affair. Prince Wan secretly dreams of escaping the palace with his secret lover Jiang Chan (Li Man), the daughter of the palace doctor Jiang Yiru. Meanwhile, Prince Jai, the faithful son, grows curious and then worried over the empress's health and her abnormal obsession with golden chrysanthemums.

The empress summons Prince Jai, revealing to him her plot of rebellion. She asks for his participation but Jai hesitates, saying that it would be difficult for him to take up arms against his own father. After seeing his mother take a poisoned dose, he relents and agrees to participate. For ten days, the Emperor had secretly ordered the imperial doctor to add tiny amounts of a poisonous fungus into the medicine that the Empress takes several times a day; the doctor uses his daughter, Jiang Chan, to administer the medicine under his close watch.

Meanwhile the empress, suspicious of the poison's presence in her medicine, had hired a woman-in-black to discover the identity and origin of the fungus, a mission that was successful and reveals the poison as the Persian black fungus. After rejecting the empress's reward, the woman-in-black is abruptly captured by Prince Wan and taken to the emperor, and it is revealed that she is Jiang Shi (Chen Jin), the doctor Jiang Yiru's wife, and Jiang Chan's mother- the emperor's previous lover. After being branded and left for dead, she has since put her life into tearing down the emperor's regime. The emperor decides to allow the woman to reconcile with her husband, promoting the doctor and sending him and his re-united family from the palace to serve as governor of a remote Region. Prince Wan runs after them to see Chan; from the information that Chan provides him with, he senses that the Empress is indeed plotting something, and hurries back to the palace. Confronting the Empress, already losing her mind, she admits her intentions and bluntly adds that she wants Wan to die and continue with her plan. Wan, deeply hurt by her remarks, stabs himself and is put under care.

The doctor's family are attacked by mysterious assassins, who kill Jiang Yiru. Chan and her mother flee back to the palace on horseback, unknowingly protected by troops sent by the empress. As they interrupt the ceremony and demanding in the emperor and his family's presence why he wants them killed, the empress reveals that Jiang Shi was actually the mother of Prince Wan, meaning his secret lover, Chan, is in fact his half-sister. Realizing this, a shocked and crazed Chan flees the palace screaming in horror with her mother chasing behind. Chan is cut down by the assassins and her enraged mother, despite her injuries, kills them before she was also slain herself. The youngest son, Prince Yu abruptly kills Prince Wan as they watch Chan and her mother flee, and attempts to oblige the emperor to abdicate the throne to him. He confesses that he also learned of the plot and his brother's affair with the empress and acted in advance to gain the throne. The emperor's assassins quickly eliminate Prince Yu's handful of soldiers easily, and the emperor flogs Yu to death. Meanwhile, thousands of warriors clad in gold and led by Prince Jai, wearing the embroidered flowers the empress had been making, suddenly charge the palace, overpowering the emperor's remaining assassins and advance into the palace's gargantuan inner square, but are boxed in by a clever trap; the emperor had full knowledge of the plot from Wan and had positioned his own forces to repel the assault. After a bloody battle the warriors are all killed, except Prince Jai who stubbornly kept fighting on until he was also overwhelmed himself. While his followers are bound and executed at the Emperor's orders, Prince Jai is brought before the remaining family. The courtyard is swiftly cleaned up in mechanical efficiency, as if the evening's event had never transpired and the Festival begins at midnight as scheduled.

The Emperor offers to spare Jai on the condition that he henceforth personally administer the poisoned medicine to the Empress. Prince Jai refused his father's order, apologized to his mother for his failure and then committed suicide, his blood spilling on the Empress's medicine. The Empress lets out a furious shriek and slaps the plate out of the servant's hands. The film then ends with an image of the poisonous medicine landing on an engraved wooden chrysanthemum and eating away at it.

Curse of the Golden Flower (2006) Full Movie


Pokemon 3: Spell Of The Unknown (2000)

Pokemon 3: Spell Of The Unknown (2000)
Release: 8 July 2000
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
- Japanese:
  • Rica Matsumoto
  • Mayumi Iizuka
  • YÅ«ji Ueda
  • Ikue ÅŒtani
  • Megumi Hayashibara
  • Shin-ichiro Miki
- English:
  • Veronica Taylor
  • Rachael Lillis
  • Eric Stuart
  • Lisa Ortiz
  • Ted Lewis
  • Kayzie Rogers
  • Ryan Drummond
  • Tara Jayne

The feature film focuses on the beautiful town of Greenfield. A resident of the town, the research scientist Professor Spencer Hale, conducts research on the elusive Unown. He and his assistant, Skyler, discover a site of ruins, but Hale is sucked into the dimension of the Unown.

His disappearance leaves his young daughter Molly alone, her mother having disappeared previously. Molly finds a box of tablets containing Unown images and begins assembling the letters, which summons the Unown themselves. The Unown use their powers to make Molly's wishes come true, transforming her manor house into a crystal-like palace which spreads across the town and cuts her off from the world. Entei is created to represent Molly's father. Various people come to help sort out the Unown, including Professor Oak and Delia Ketchum (Ash's mother).

Meanwhile, Ash and his friends meet and befriend a trainer named Lisa. They come into Greenfield in the process and agree to join in the rescue mission to save young Molly. However, Entei kidnaps Delia, following Molly's request for a mother as well. Entei's powers hypnotize Delia into thinking she is Molly's mother. Ash, Misty, Brock and their Pokémon head out to the mansion to save Delia, communicating with Professor Oak and Skyler thanks to a PokéGear device given to them by Lisa. Team Rocket try to investigate the mansion, only to be blasted out of the air by Entei into the depths of the mansion. Molly watches Ash and the others through a television and falls asleep, imagining herself being a Pokémon Trainer. Entei then creates a dream version of Molly as an adult and takes her to battle the three. She first fights Brock, but her dreamed-up Pokémon are stronger than his; she then has a more friendly fight against Misty in an underwater battle, but the winner is not shown.

Ash manages to locate Molly and Delia, but Molly refuses to leave with him and the mansion transforms. Entei refuses to allow Ash to leave with his mother, and fights his Pokémon. He then blasts Ash and Pikachu off a cliff, but they are saved by the arrival of Ash's Charizard. Charizard, with Ash on his back, battles Entei until he is knocked out of the sky. Entei nearly kills Charizard until Molly commands him to stop and begs that no more fighting happens, which manages to stop Entei. Ash and his friends convince Molly to leave with them, Entei revealing he was created by the Unown to be her father.

The Unown suddenly lose control of their powers and start to seal the group in the mansion. Ash, Pikachu, Charizard, Misty, Brock, Delia, Molly and Team Rocket escape down to the hall where the Unown are. Pikachu and Charizard attempt to break the forcefield protecting the Unown, but they are unsuccessful—until they are joined by Entei, combining their powers to destroy the shield with Molly's support. Entei sacrifices himself and the Unown return to their dimension, reversing all of their effects on the world and returning Professor Hale to the ruins where he originally vanished.

The group ventures outside, where Professor Oak, Skyler, Lisa and others meet them. Team Rocket hides in the mansion upon seeing all of the police outside and vow they will succeed or fail in their next scheme. In the end credits, Charizard and Lisa depart from Ash's company; Molly is seen with her own Teddiursa and reunites with her father—and later, with her mother.

Pokemon 3: Spell Of The Unknown (2000) Full Movie


Air Terjun Pengantin Phuket (2013)

Air Terjun Pengantin Phuket (2013)
Release: 31 Januari 2013
Genre: Adult, Action, Horror
  • Tamara Bleszynski
  • Darius Sinathrya
  • Kimberly Ryder
  • Putri Una
  • Laras Monca
  • Steven William

Setelah mengalami musibah yang telah merenggut nyawa tunangannya di Pulau Pengantin, Tiara (Tamara Blezynski) memutuskan untuk menenangkan diri di pantai Phuket, Thailand.

Membuka sebuah bar kecil bersama sahabatnya Lea (Laras Monca), Tiara menyempatkan diri mendalami Thai Boxing sebagai bentuk pelampiasan dendam dan traumanya di masa lampau. Hingga suatu hari sahabat semasa kuliahnya, Alan (Darius Sinathrya) yang masih menyimpan rasa pada Tiara, datang menjenguk dan berniat mengajak Tiara pulang ke Indonesia. Alan datang bersama keponakannya Maureen (Kimberly Ryder), Kenny (Stephan William) dan Aida (Putri Una).

Sebagai tuan rumah yang baik, Lea segera mengatur liburan mereka, dengan mengunjungi pulau-pulau di sekitar Phuket. Ketika kemudian kapal yang mereka tumpangi mogok dan terpaksa mampir di sebuah pulau asing. Tiara sadar, ada sesuatu yang aneh di pulau itu. Tiara merasa masa lalu itu akan terus mengejarnya, ke mana pun dia pergi. Kali ini, Tiara memutuskan tidak akan menghindari. Tapi dia akan menghadapinya.

Air Terjun Pengantin Phuket (2013) Full Movie


Kawin Kontrak Lagi (2008)

Kawin Kontrak Lagi (2008)
Release: 20 November 2008
Genre: Adult, Drama, Comedy
  • Ricky Harun
  • Lukman Sardi
  • Cut Mini Theo
  • Wiwid Gunawan
  • Thalita Latief
  • Debby Ayu
  • Adellia Rasya
  • Cynthiara Alona

Jody kini sudah beranjak kuliah. Dirinya menjadi playboy dikalangan warga kampus dan menjadi panutan bagi tiga perjaka kampus, yakni Fredo, Hakim, dan Menfo. Ketiganya selalu mencoba mengikuti gaya-gaya Jody dalam menjalankan kehidupan cintanya, tetapi kurang berhasil. Selesai sebuah kuliah, Jody mendapat telepon dari Ibunya yang berkata bahwa ayah Jody terjerat kasus korupsi. Hal itu membuat Jody tidak mempunyai aset dan terpaksa mengekos di rumah kos kecil dekat kampus. Sohibnya Dika dan Rama di film pertama sudah bahagia. Dika masih marah dengan Jody yang merebut pacarnya, sedangkan Rama dan Isa akan menikah dan pindah ke Australia. Namun keduanya memberikan “sumbangan terakhir” bagi Jody.

Ketika Jody menaiki angkot, ia sadar bahwa sopir angkotnya adalah Kang Sono. Kang Sono terpaksa menyambung hidup sebagai sopir angkot setelah Desa Sukasararean digrebek karena usaha kawin kontrak yang dijalankan. Dan sebuah telepon dari Teh Euis, berkata bahwa Jody harus ke Desa Pakelonan untuk menemaninya. Kang Sono pergi kesana terlebih dahulu, ia mengutarakan maksud kawin kontrak kepada pimpinan Yayasan Penyalur Wanita Pesona Singagaung, Maung, yang menerapkan sistem militer kepada seluruh wanita yang ada dibawahnya. Setelah terjadi kesepakatan, Jody, Fredo, Hakim, dan Merfo pergi ke Desa Pekalonan untuk kawin kontrak.

Disana, rupanya beragam wanita disajikan. Fredo memilih Viva, seorang gadis penari. Hakim memilih Kokom, seorang gadis cermat. Dan Menfo memilih Sassi, seorang perawan. Malam dihabiskan Fredo dan Hakim dengan mendapat pemerasan karena selalu ditagih uang. Sementara Menfo yang mengidap ejakulasi dini, diberikan waktu oleh Sassi untuk memperbaikinya. Apabila para pria tidak mampu membayar, maka mereka akan diberikan Barandot, sebuah makhluk buas yang disimpan dibawah tanah dengan makanan manusia, Barandot adalah peliharaan Maung. Fredo dan Hakim akhirnya pergi duluan meninggalkan Desa karena tidak tahan. Sementara Menfo menyukai Sassi yang ternyata telah dijual oleh orangtuanya demi melunasi pinjaman orangtuanya kepada Maung.

Situasi menjadi pelik kala Sassi kabur dan bersembunyi di rumah Teh Euis yang tengah hamil. Teh Euis kini hidup menjadi seorang pengurus salon dengan “pelunas ngidam”nya, yaitu si Jody. Sassipun akhirnya ditangkap untuk dijadikan wanita yang akan dikirim menjadi pelacur di Jakarta. Sementara Kang Sono yang dianggap memberi bisnis baru bagi yayasan Maung, diberikan jabatan sebagai pemasok para wanita ke Jakarta yang sebelumnya dipegang oleh Fachri, penjahat yang menyengsarakan Desa Sukasararean. Karena kurang berkutik, Kang Sonopun menerimanya. Pada hari dikirimkannya para wanita ke Jakarta yang dikontrol oleh Sus Miranda, Teh Euis, Kang Sono, Jody, dan pacar Jody yang datang, Giselle, membantu membebaskan para wanita itu. Berkat trik hamil Teh Euis, Kang Sono, Jody, dan Giselle berhasil masuk. Giselle dan Jody pergi ke para penyiap baju seragam dan menghajar mereka, lalu memasukkan ulat bulu. Sementara Kang Sono pergi mencari Sassi dan Menfo yang ikut ditahan bersama Sassi karena dianggap membantu kaburnya Sassi.

Kemudian, di saat serah-terima kloter wanita oleh Maung, semua wanita gatal karena ulat bulu dan berlarian. Jeng Miranda menganggap kloter itu gagal, tapi masih menyimpan Sassi. Sassi, Menfo, Kang Sono, Giselle dan Jody yang ingin kabur tertangkap oleh anak buah Maung. Kecuali Sassi, yang lain akan dikorbankan satu-persatu ke Barandot. Lalu, Teh Euis datang dengan membawa keris kecil yang diterimanya dari seorang nenek yang ternyata memberikan kekuatan, menghancurkan seluruh anak buah Maung dan Maung dalam sekejap. Saat itu seluruh polisi yang menyamar sebagai warga mengungkapkan jati diri dan menyergap Maung dan rombongan.

Film diakhiri dengan Hakim yang kembali dari kota dan Menfo yang keluar dari lubang Barandot dan berhasil membunuhnya.Lalu Teh Euis melahirkan dan mengatakan bahwa anak dia adalah anak Kang Sono dan Jody, tapi kenyataannya anak Teh Euis kembar dan keduanya mirip dengan Abuba, yang padahal dikatakan oleh Teh Euis telah dikebiri.

Kawin Kontrak Lagi (2008) Full Movie


Menebus Impian (2010)

Menebus Impian (2010)
Release: 15 April 2010
Genre: Drama
  • Acha Septriasa
  • Fedi Nuril
  • Ayu Diah Pasha
  • Haykal Kamil
  • Eric Scada
  • Ayu Diana
  • Cici Tegal
  • Joshua Suherman
  • Jaja Mihardja
  • Zaskia Adya Mecca

Nur Kemala (Acha Septriasa) adalah seorang mahasiswi yang menjalani kehidupan keras bersama ibunya, Sekar (Ayu Diah Pasha), yang hanya bekerja sebagai seorang buruh cuci. Keduanya memiliki pandangan yang berbeda untuk meraih kehidupan yang lebih baik, sang ibu lebih memilih agar Nur memfokuskan diri pada kuliahnya, sedangkan Nur berpikiran untuk secepatnya bekerja untuk bisa membantu nafkah mereka.

Dalam perjalannnya, Nur kemudian bertemu Dian Septiaji (Fedi Nuril), seorang mahasiswa yang walau masih sepantarannya dan seorang praktisi pemasaran berjenjang atau "MLM" yang berdedikasi. Dian jugalah yang membuat Nur kembali berani untuk bermimpi dan bercita-cita kembali. Setelah beberapa kali jatuh bangun di bawah dukungan Dian, Nur pada akhirnya mulai merasa ragu dengan mimpi miliknya yang tampak tidak mungkin untuk diraih.

"Menembus Impian" adalah sebuah kisah perjuangan sepasang Ibu dan Anak perempuannya dalam usahanya mencari kehidupan yang lebih baik.

Menebus Impian (2010) Full Movie


Bangun Lagi Dong Lupus (2013)

Bangun Lagi Dong Lupus (2013)
Release: 4 April 2013
Genre: Drama, Comedy
  • Migdad Addausy
  • Acha Septriasa
  • Alfie Affandy
  • Jeremy Christian
  • Eko Patrio
  • Deddy Mizwar
  • Cici Tegal

Cerita berawal ketika Lupus pindah ke SMU Merah Putih. Disana dia bertemu dengan Poppie (Acha Septriasa) dan langsung jatuh hati pada cewek itu. Namun Poppie sudah punya kekasih lain yaitu Daniel (Kevin Julio).

Di sekolah yang baru itu, Lupus bertemu dengan teman-teman baru yang unik, seperti Gusur (Jeremy Christian), seniman aneh yang memiliki cita-cita untuk membeli rumah buat Engkongnya yang selama ini tinggal di bersama kakak iparnya.

Selain Gusur, ada juga Boim (Alfie Alfandy), playboy cap Duren Tiga yang selalu dikejar-kejar debt collector karena ibunya (Cici Tegal) hutang untuk modal berdagang kain. Dan Anto (Fabila Mahadira), kutu buku yang pendiam dan menjunjung tinggi persahabatan.

Sementara itu, Poppie sibut dengan deadline pembuatan majalah sekolah yang selalu ditekan oleh Kepala Sekolah, Pak Zairin (Dedi Mizwar), dan guru olah raga (Eko Patrio) yang keduanya ingin tampil di sampul depan majalah itu.

Disaat Poppie sibuk dengan urusannya, Lupus dan para sahabatnya merencanakan untuk ikut lomba go green yang diadakan Kementerian Kehutanan meski sempat ditentang oleh Kepala Sekolah.

Bangun Lagi Dong Lupus (2013) Full Movie


Bangsal 13 (2004)

Bangsal 13 (2004)
Release: 2004
Genre: Horror, Adult
  • Luna Maya
  • Endhita
  • Lia Candra
  • Erka

Karena nabrak, Nat (Endhita) dan Mina (Luna Maya) terpaksa menginap di rumah sakit, sambil membawa korban yang tertabrak. Berhubung rumah sakit penuh, dokter jaga, Azis (Andika), membuka bangsal 13, yang tak pernah terpakai, karena konon menyimpan misteri. Tengah malam Nat mendengar suara mengetok-ngetok lantai kamar mandi. Nat tak memberi tahu semua kejadian itu kecuali pada Devon (Bayu Wahyudhi), kekasihnya. Keesokannya Devon datang ke rumah sakit dan bercanda melakukan larangan: mengetuk pintu dari dalam. Devon mati, dan Nat ditarik si hantu suster ngesot masuk dalam lubang kamar mandi.

Bangsal 13 (2004) Full Movie


3 Playboy Galau (2013)

3 Playboy Galau (2013)
Release: 10 Januari 2013
Genre: Adult, Drama, Comedy
  • Okan Kornelius
  • Ricky Perdana
  • Aditya Rino
  • Febriyanie Ferdzilla
  • Rony Dozer
  • Jozza Meidia
  • Novita S. Anggraini
  • Ina Kartika

Doni, Juan, dan Alex adalah pemuda-pemuda yang sudah beristri tapi mereka tetap tidak bisa menghilangkan sifat Playboy mereka. Mereka selalu melakukan petualangan dengan gadis-gadis seksi yang ditemui mereka. Meskipun mereka sering dicurigai dan kepergok istri-istri mereka tapi mereka selalu berkelit dengan macam-macam alasan dan akal-akal bulus mereka, hingga lolos dari kecurigaan istri-istri mereka

Pada suatu hari mereka bertemu dengan Lola, seorang gadis seksi simpanan Bos mafia bernama Romli. Merekapun mendekati Lola dan dengan segala macam cara konyol mereka, merayu Lola

Mereka tidak sadar Bos Romli yang kejam mengetahui perselingkuhan mereka dengan Lola. Doni, Juan, dan Alex di tahan dan akan dibunuh oleh Bos Romli. Istri-istri mereka begitu mengetahui suami2nya di tahan oleh Bos Romli, segera mengatur strategi untuk menyelamatkan suami-suami mereka.

3 Playboy Galau (2013) Full Movie


Liberated 2 (2004)

Liberated 2 (2004)
Release: 14 July 2004
Genre: Adult, Drama
  • Diana Zubiri
  • Francine Prieto
  • Christian Vasquez
  • Rodel Velayo
  • Winston Elizalde
  • Tuesday Vargas
  • Anita Linda

Liberated 2 essays the journey of four modern characters (Fatima, Janelle, Demi & Washington) from excelling in sex to knowing how to love. Through games and wild adventures, our protogonistsd come to realize that liberation is not just for the body but also for the heart.

Liberated 2 (2004) Full Movie


Bebek Belur (2010)

Bebek Belur (2010)
Release: 2010
Genre: Drama, Comedy
  • Didi Petet
  • Deddy Mizwar
  • Slamet Rahardjo
  • Torro Margens
  • Gigi Band
  • Joshua Pandelaki
  • Ully Artha
  • Rima Melati
  • Ida Kusumah
  • Jajang C. Noer
  • Nungki Kusumastuti
  • Bajaj Grup
  • Valentino
  • Tessa Kaunang
  • Sam Bimbo
  • Sigit Hardadi
  • Nana S. Patah

Film Bebek Belur diangkat dari sebuah kisah dunia Cibebek yang sudah banyak dikenal orang, dimana dalam hidup sehari-hari muncul berbagai masalah termasuk masalah yang sangat lucu, menyedihkan, dan mengharukan, dengan berbagai jenis karakter di dalamnya.

Seperti di dunia nyata, keseharian warga Cibebek penuh dengan kekocakan dan kesederhanaan, walaupun di tengah mereka sedang terjadi hal yang sangat penting dan berarti. Dengan sifat optimis, jujur , berani membela yang benar , dan dengan cara cerdas mereka dapat membatasi keinginan dan niat orang kaya yang telah termakan oleh napsu, karena mereka percaya bahwa putus asa bukanlah pilihan. Warga Cibebek selalu ingin memelihara kebahagiaan bersama, maka untuk melindungi keharmonisan desanya, sebagai ciri khasnya mereka selalu bisa tetap tertawa dan melakukan hal-hal lucu sambil mengatasi berbagai persoalan besar.

Bebek Belur (2010) Full Movie


Lima Elang (2011)

Lima Elang (2011)
Release: 25 Agustus 2011
Genre: Adventure, Drama
  • Christoffer Nelwan
  • Iqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan
  • Bastian Bintang Simbolon
  • Teuku Rizky Muhammad
  • Monica Sayangbati

Baron sangat kesal ketika harus mengikuti orang tuanya pindah dari Jakarta ke Balikpapan. Ia pun memilih untuk menutup diri dari lingkungan barunya dan sibuk sendiri bermain mobil RC. Namun, karena satu dan lain hal, Baron harus mewakili sekolahnya ikut perkemahan Pramuka dan satu regu dengan Rusdi, pramuka supel yang kelewat optimistis dan kerap kali membuat Baron jengkel. Bersama dengan anggota lain, Anton si ahli api, dan Aldi, si kerdil yang tempramental, dan kedua anak besar yang akhirnya terkena cacar air, mereka memulai petualangan barunya di Perkemahan. Mereka juga bertemu dengan Sindai, gadis perkasa, yang banyak membantu Baron dan tim ketika harus menjelajahi hutan lebat dalam salah satu games perkemahan. Situasi semakin menegangkan ketika Rusdi dan Anton diculik oleh komplotan penebang hutan liar pimpinan Arip Jagau di tengah hutan. Baron, Aldi, dan Sindai, yang tadinya mau kabur dari perkemahan, harus kembali untuk menolong kedua sahabatnya.

Lima Elang (2011) Full Movie

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